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Last Updated: March 5, 2019  

   Bonus -- Video for Gendai Self Reiju
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  .Here are some topics of interest to the experienced Reiki practitioner, although those who are new to Reiki may find some of these of interest as well. Enjoy! 

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Check Out Threshold Notes
Originally my blog page, I have 37 brief articles where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my viewpoint. While a number of facts may be included, you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content feels right to you.


Check Out Threshold Experiences

36 short stories or anecdotes (so far)
where I share personal experiences related to my Reiki and energy work.


Also See my New to Reiki pages for more articles of interest to Reiki Teachers.

When you see the letters:
- H.-- this means that the page also includes an Adobe pdf copy of the entire page that you can download and print or share.
A -- this means there are audio files  to listen to.

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Practical Reiki Topics
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H.Light Technique for Healing and Energy Work
xYou may have read about the idea of calling Light to yourself and then sending it to another person or a situation.  Sending Light from your heart adds the quality of Love to the transmission .... 
Read the complete article ....
A.kokoroThe Threshold Reiki Audio Glossary
Listen to how a Japanese pronounces Reiki related words.  The project was intended as part of a way to assist one of my Master level graduates with his Japanese URR Gakkai style Reiki classes.  
Read the complete article ...
H.joyReiki in Everyday Life
After I had been teaching Reiki for a while, I found that many students were just using Reiki at home as a healing tool, as if they were putting it on a  shelf to be used part time.  I began to teach ways to use Reiki to enhance our daily life  Read the complete article ....
H Energy Influences
xStill feeling ill, pain or queasy during or after a healing?  Maybe it's due to a different reason you hadn't allowed for. Read the complete article ....
xHow you as a Light Worker are affecting the world around you each and every day. 
Read the complete article ....
H.Energy Assistance
xCan other energy workers assist you? If so, how much more so than your own abilities? 
  Read the complete article....
H Using Reiki to Scan Yourself
xA simple way to demonstrate that you too can easily check your energy field (or that of others) using your Reiki improved sensitivity. 
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H Using Affirmations With Reiki
aA favourite idea for many Reiki practitioners and teachers.  Effecting change in your everyday life
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H Reiki Analogies
Reiki as Water --www-inmagine-comSome of the simple ideas I share in a Reiki class that demonstrate how Reiki works.
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H.Handling Distractions 
Day Dreaming -- www-inmagine-comManaging those negative times with enjoyable, positive, "power" daydreaming.
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H Activating Your Own  Reiki Energy
Auminaht EnergyAren't you really just awakening your own Highest Ki?  Where is the lineage to Usui?
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H Exploring Variations of Reiki Energy
Doi and Ohta ReikiA look at how different sources of Reiki can affect us and how some feel stronger or different than others. 
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H.Reiki and Animals 
Reiki and AnimalsOne of the more enjoyable uses for applying Reiki that most of us learn, is to share this with our own pets and other animals.  In fact some Reiki practitioners choose to work only with animals, sometimes joining up with local veterinary services.
...Read the complete article ....
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Reiki History
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H.The History of Reiki Re-Opens
A look at the first article I wrote on Reiki in Japan back in 1996. It is based on material that appeared in the first modern day book on Reiki published in Japanese. 
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 H.1986 Japanese Article
Twilight Zone articleThis is a translation of a magazine article on Reiki that appeared in Japan in 1986. I placed this up on the web in 1997 and it was the first I had heard of the Saihoji temple and Usui Memorial. (Also Links to -- Fumio Ogawa Reiki certificates -- Reiki Journal Mitsui Article
  Read the complete article ....
H.1928 Mainichi Article
HayashiThis 1928 newspaper article was translated in 2001 by one of my Japanese contacts. It contains the experiences and thoughts on Reiki by a famous Japanese playwright of the time who learned from Dr. Hayashi.  Read the complete article ....
H.Hand PositionWhy So Many Reiki Styles?
 An area of confusion for people new to Reiki (and even those experienced) is the number of Reiki styles and schools available.  If we look at the beginning of Reiki we can see how such diversity came about.  
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H.DenjuOrigin of Reiki Attunement
One of the interesting aspects of a Reiki class is the ceremony referred to as an "attunement" or "reiju". I've discovered that there is no one unique ceremony, but rather there are many versions to be found, both inside and outside Japan.
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H Reiki Origins - Teno Hira Ryoji
Teno Hira Ryoji by Koshi MitsuiAn early Reiki-like system taught by an Usui senior student.
  Read the complete article ....
H.Taniai Village
Amatak ShrineA pictorial account of my visit to Usui Sensei's home village in November, 2000.
  Read the complete article ....
H.Translation of the Usui Memorial
Usui MemorialIn 1998 one of my students took some close-up pictures of the complete Usui Memorial - this is the literal translation another friend helped me put together.  It is literal so that you can decide what the author (Ushida-sensei) was trying to say.   Read the complete article ....
H.The Saihoji Temple
Saihoji Main GatesI began placing pictures of the Usui Memorial and Usui family grave site (in Tokyo) here in 1997, just after I received pictures.  Now that I visited the temple and graveyard, I will soon add several more, including a map to the location. 
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Directions to Saihoji Temple
DirectionsIf you happen to be visiting Tokyo and would like to pay your respects to Usui Sensei, here are directions to the temple and grave site from downtown Tokyo. Also on the site is the Usui memorial. 
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H.The Art of Healing
Mrs. TakataThis is an excerpt from one of Takata-sensei's diaries. She talks about Reiki and the contents of the first 2 levels of training.
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H.Dr. Hayashi's Healing Guide Hayashi
I received a translated version of this table in my Reiki 1 class in 1992, and was given the Japanese version in 1997, not realising at the time what it was. The table matches closely the  Healing Guide from the URR Gakkai Reiki Ryoho Hikkei .
Read the complete article ....
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Usui Origins
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H.Usui GainenThe Usui Gainen
The Heart of any Reiki system, they became known as his Reiki Principles, Precepts or Affirmations. They are actually his concepts for living, called Usui Reiki Ryoho. Here is the original,  deeper translation. 
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A.Listen to and Practice Saying the Usui Gainen
Usui GainenFor those wishing to pronounce Japanese words, the Usui Gainen  is a good place to begin.  I asked Reiki Shihan Emiko Arai and Reiki Shihan Katsuko Kiuchi to help me record each of them saying the concepts, first at a normal speed, and then at a much slower speed for someone learning Japanese.
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H.Usui no Michi (or Usui Do)
The system of Reiki we now practice in the West actually comes out of 3 Japanese sources, all influenced heavily by the spiritual system taught by Mikao Usui from 1920 to 1926.  This is an introduction to that system.
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H.What is Usui Teāte?
BowThis is the revised version of Usui-Do that was being presented in the Usui dojo or training hall in early 1925.    Read the complete article ....
H.The Usui Dojo
dojoThe original Reiki training hall and some of the Shinto ceremony observed within. Read the complete article ....
H.An Explanation of the Origin of Reiki
The origins of Reiki are shrouded in the mystery and inaccuracies of oral teachings and very few public documents.  Yet we do know some facts due to knowledge shared by Usui students in the late 1990’s. Read the complete article ....
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The URR Gakkai 
A Reiki Learning Society
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H.Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai
UshidaThe fact that a Reiki organisation ever existed in Japan was not widely known in the early 1990's. Since then I discovered many new sources that explained it's origins, how it operated, it's history and it's status today.
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H.The Reiki Ryoho Hikkei
Hikkei First PageI heard about the original class booklet attributed to Usui Sensei in 1997, and in 1999 I received a copy in time to translate for the 1999 URRI Workshop here in Vancouver.While not part of Usui's classes, the booklet has been a standard part of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai's training.  You can download the Japanese and English version from here. Also there is access to other language versions as I receive them.  Read the complete article ....
H.Fumio Ogawa Sensei - A URR Gakkai Shihan
- a translation of his self published Reiki booklet.
Fumio Ogawa senseiFumio Ogawa Sensei was the Shihan or Leader of the Shizuoka, Japan branch of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.   In 1986 he wrote a small, self-published introductory booklet on the practice of Reiki Ryoho that he shared with others in his city. 
Read the complete article .
Traditional Symbols
Symbol #4Because the symbols have been in books since 1994, here are the original versions that are normally taught in the old Hayashi-sensei connected schools in Japan.
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H.Sample URR Shoden Pages 
ShodenA sample of my Usui Reiki Ryoho Workshop material and that I also share in my Threshold Reiki 1 manual.  It is from Mr. Doi's first international workshop held in Vancouver in 1999.
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H.Sample URR Okuden Pages
Tanden Chiryo HoIn 1998 I was connected to Mr. Hiroshi Doi and some of his students. Thanks to them, my friends and I began to learn the following old Reiki society techniques even before they were taught in the West. In 199 Hiroshi Doi came to Vancouver and taught us these URR Gakkai methods.
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List of URR Techniques
URR TechniquesA list of the techniques that Doi-sensei taught at URRI 1999 and URRI 2000.  They included original URR Gakkai training, as well as some of Doi-sensei's own techniques.
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 H.Gendai Self Reiju
Self ReijuAt the November, URRI 2000 Workshop weekend in Kyoto Japan, Doi-sensei held a special Reiju class where he taught Gendai Reiju, Gendai Power Reiju and Gendai Self Reiju.   Self Reiju is his way of giving Reiju to yourself.  You can do this standing up or sitting down.Read the complete article ....
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Understanding Reiki
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H.Usui Reiki Ryoho- the Original Meaning
The term Usui Reiki Ryoho originally referred to the main concepts of the Usui wall hanging. They actually help to define why Usui used the term "Reiki." A  Hayashi student explained it as a referral to Usui's ancestors. 
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H.Origin of the Term "Reiki"
reiWords have a specific meaning that may be dependent on the context in which it is used. If we are working with older texts we need to know what the
word meant at that time.  Terms Kioriginating in China are given ON readings and those developed in Japan are given kun readings.  Read the complete article ....
Reiki in Japan
Japan MeetingAn article talking about the state of Reiki in Japan.  It is current as of summer 2000, but needs some updates based on my Nov. 2000 Japan trip.
  Read the complete article ....
Includes Links To:
Meiji- Meiji Wakka Poetry 
- Okuden Qigong Techniques
- Gakkai Leaders
- Yamaguchi / Jikiden Reiki Classes
- Book Excerpt: Modern Reiki Method for Healing
Western Reiki Systems
rei modernAn explanation of 2 Reiki schools in the West that have expanded their teaching content.  A good example of how Reiki continues to grow and change,
Ki Modernjust as it did even in Usui's time
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Western Reiki Symbols
HarthHere are some other popular symbols that originated in Western Reiki and used in at least 2 schools (the ones from above link).
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H.Do Distant Attunements Work?
DistantWhen I became a Reiki Master in the fall of 1994, one of the class components was the concept of distant re-attunements.   Having practiced distant Reiki treatments for some time, I found this an interesting possibility.  Read the complete article ....
H Distant Healing Comments
DistantMy thoughts on the use of Distant Reiki by a Reiki 1 practitioner, as well as the use (or non-use) of the symbol.
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Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki (SSR)
SKHM ShenuSekhem, Seichim and Reiki work together as a unified trinity of sacred healing energies to completely balance and harmonize a person's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. 
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The Reiki Levels Explained
Reiki 1 CertificateReiki is usually taught over several classes. Why do some schools teach a different number of levels or degrees? Read more ....
Gendai Reiki Ho
Gendai Reiki ClassIn 1999 I and my friends were the first to introduce Mr. Hiroshi Doi outside of Japan.  I teach the original version of this class that he taught at the 3 URRI conferences from 2000-2003.  Read the complete article ....
Komyo Reiki Kai
Komyo Reiki ClassIn 1999 I and my friends were the first to introduce Mr. Hiroshi Doi outside of Japan.  I teach the original version of this class that he taught at the 3 URRI conferences from 2000-2003.  Read the complete article ....
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Reiki Development
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H.The Threshold Reiki Audio Glossary
FounderNon Japanese people often mispronounce many of the Reiki terms, as they are not aware that the English like spelling we see (for the original Kanji characters) is actually written in Romaji - a romanized phonetic language to help us pronounce each word.    Read the complete article .....
H.Perfecting Reiki Attunements and Reiju
PerfectingMany Reiki Masters may believe that the potential of a Reiki attunement lies in the teacher they learned from or the ceremony they learned.  Yet there are some effective, yet easy, methods to get clearer and stronger results. hold that energy to a greater degree than the recipient. Read the complete article .....
H.Starting a Reiki Share
Reiki shareEver wanted to start your own Reiki share? Or are you frustrated because there isn't one in your area?  Have a look at this page and see if you can get some ideas for starting your own.    Read the complete article ....
H.Paired Healing
Paired HealingThis is a method of healing requiring 2 practitioners that is taught in Hiroshi Doi's Gendai Reiki Ho school and was shared at the 1999 URRI workshop in Vancouver.  Read the complete article ....
H.Reiki and Highest Ki
HKOver the past 3 decades "Reiki" has become a very generic term for any energy of a lineage related to Mikao Usui.  As I received attunements from a variety of Western and Japanese teachers, I began to notice there was a difference in how each of their energies felt.Read the complete article ....
H.Reiki and Channeling
Reiki and ChannelingHow conscious channeling and working with higher beings of Light can help you with your Reiki practice and your daily work. Updated Aug. 11, 2014
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Reiki Facts
Reiki FactsJust a sample of some of the information that I have discovered recently about the history of Reiki.  I usually make more details of this info available to my own students first via my Class Pages, but I do like to share with the Reiki community in general.  Read the complete article ....
H Threshold Reiki First Degree/Shoden Manual
Threshold Reiki 1 sample manualYou can now have access to the main part of my Reiki 1  manual to add to your own Reiki knowledge and support.  This version is only the first section from the Threshold Reiki 1 manual, but it is more suitable to most Reiki classes.  It doesn't include some additional topics I teach in my own Reiki 1 class such as  Distant Reiki and The Light Technique, but you can find these elsewhere on my site.    Read the complete article ....
H.What it Means to be a Reiki Shihan/Master?
RM CertificateA look at some ideas around the concept of being a Reiki Shihan or "Reiki Master" and how others may perceive you.
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Are you Ready for Reiki Mastership?
TJR RM certificateAre You an Aspiring Reiki Master?  OR
Are You a Reiki Master Looking to Enhance Your Master Level Training? If so, then this page might present what you are looking for.  Read the complete article ....
H.Activating Symbols 
Most Reiki teachers believe that the attunement ceremony they use will transfer all of their ability with a symbol to each student.  However, I have found that the resonance of this energy experienced throughout the class, or via constant interaction on-line with the teacher, tends to re-affirm the new energy within the student.
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H.Preparing for the Threshold Reiki Master Class
DistantAs you are getting ready to take the Threshold Reiki Master class, here are some pages from my Reiki home page that I would like you to read before class, and to send me some comments on
....Read the complete article ....
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Reiki Miscellaneous Topics
and Resources

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Threshold Anecdotes
AnecdotesVarious experiences and unusual "coincidences" from my Reiki career.
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*.Usui Reiju Gift
Usui MikaoHere is a sample of what a Distant Energy attunement feels like. And yes, this page will connect you to a strong healing energy, just like Reiki.
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Usui Reiki Ryoho International
At the 1999 Workshop in Vancouver, I suggested we from an informal society, Usui Reiki Ryoho International, for the collection of original Japanese Reiki history and methods.  This was further promoted in Japan at the URRI 2000 conference, Nov. 2000, by Doi-sensei
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Andrew Bowling Reiki Archives
Andy and WanjaFor several years Andy had maintained a very interesting historical archive on the origins of Reiki.  When Andy decided to shut down his web pages I asked permission to host them here so that his work wouldn't be lost to you.
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The Reiki Book Page
Reiki Books(note this page is out of date)
Whether you are new to Reiki or experienced, here are a list of books on Reiki that you might find interesting.  Also, there are internet links for each book if you want to buy one right away over the net.
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The Reiki Music Page
Reiki Music  (note this page is out of date)
Whether you are new to Reiki or experienced, here are a list of books on Reiki that you might find interesting.  Also, there are internet links for each book if you want to buy one right away over the net.
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H.2005 Reiki Share with Takata student Anneli Twan
Anneli TwanA summary of the 2005 presentation Anneli Twan gave on her experiences with Takata-sensei while taking her Reiki training at the age of 10. A well presented article by Reiki Master Jennifer Lundin Ritchie who attended this Vancouver Reiki Master share.
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H.2003 Retreat with Wanja Twan and Rick Bockner
- Takata Masters
Reiki BooksAnother summary by Reiki Master Jennifer Lundin Ritchie on a Vancouver area Reiki retreat held by the 2 Takata master level students, Wanja Twan and Rick Bockner..
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H.Reiki in the Business World
ZestcoAn article written by Jim Bennett on how energy work might be applied to your business.
  Read the complete article ....
Intensive Reiki Experience
URRI 2000Experience an on-line Reiki transmission from over 200 Reiki Masters.Read more ...

Looking to EXPAND your Reiki Master Training?
If you have been interested in growing your own Reiki knowledge and experience, or looking for original Japanese styles of Reiki, I can offer you a few solutions. If you are unsure as to what each can provide you, or as to which is the best choice, then contact me and I'll try to point you in the best direction for you.
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Other Menus
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Interested in Distant Training, or are you just curious as to what you can expect in each of the Reiki levels? You can look at my list of course outlines and fees, and use them to gauge what others are offering.  This gives you someplace to start as you begin to search for a teacher. (I realize I may not be the best or most appropriate teacher for everyone.)

Make sure you visit the Miscellaneous Topics to find some additional topics that might interest you. Includes information on ME (who I am, and my Reiki training background), as well as some additional notes of interest.

Although you may be an experienced Reiki Practitioner or even a Reiki Master, you may find some of the topics at these Entry Level Pages of interest to you.
This page is one of a series where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my viewpoint.
These pages are a series where I share personal experiences or anecdotes related to my Reiki and energy work.  The pages are also intended to give you some "food for thought" and add to your overall energy work knowledge base. 

Site Map

An Index of all the Reiki Threshold pages

If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.