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Threshold Anecdote - Yamaguchi-sensei

Last Updated: October 24, 2019
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- Threshold Reiki Anecdote -
This page is one of a series where I share a personal experience or anecdote related to my Reiki work.  The pages are also intended to give you some "food for thought" and add to your overall Reiki knowledge base.  While the experience has been my own, I feel that you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content has any usefulness to your own Reiki work. 

I mentioned in a previous post about getting onto the internet in 1996. At that time most Reiki people who did so were more likely to be familiar with computers in their daily work than not. In fact, many were actually computer programmers, analysts or managers working in computer systems departments. This was quite a treat for me as until this time (since the mid 1970's) I had met very few in the field who were interested in anything remotely connected to what is now considered "new age" concepts. (at that time I had about 20 years experience - to 1992.)

Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi-sensei

At the time I had been working with William Rand's Reiki system as well as Kathleen Milner's Tera-Mai Reiki. So I tended to get a fair amount of email from Reiki Masters around the world who were interested in these or who had also taken this training. We did a lot of distant attunement experiments, the results of which would make another interesting post.

One high profile pair of Reiki Masters called themselves simply Light and Adonea. They had quite a few Reiki systems under their belts and had put together master level manuals and classes that combined several systems of teachings. I believe at that time I had probably shared some of Dave King's information like the original Usui concepts (the Usui Gainen) with Ms. Emiko Arai's translation, plus my talks with Wanja Twan (a Takata master), the Hayashi Healing Guide translation that Harue Kanemitsu (another Takata student) had arranged from the Japanese version Mrs. Takata had received, as well as other things that were seemingly falling into my lap.

One day I received an envelope from Light and Adonea that contained many sheets of Japanese writing. The attached note suggested it might be some kind of acupuncture related document, and asked if I might be able to get it translated. Intrigued, I contacted my student, Emiko-san, who brought over several of her large Japanese dictionaries as the kanji was written in the pre-war characters used before the Japanese kanji set was revised. As she began to translate the first page the content seemed very familiar to me. After a page or two of this I went to get some of my Reiki 1 notes, especially Harue's translation of the Hayashi Healing Guide. Sure enough the Japanese text was a copy of the original document for Harue's translation.

So I sent a copy of Harue's table to Light and Adonea, explaining what we discovered. I later shared the same information with William Rand who then found someone who could put the original translation back into a list similar to the kanji version (as opposed to the table version.)  

A couple years later my friends and I held the URRI 1999 conference here in Vancouver.  We had invited our Japanese friends, Yukio and Yuko, who accompanied Mr. Doi , to give a presentation on traditional Japanese Reiki.  During the week that followed Yukio told me how he had met a lay Buddhist monk at one of his Reiki shares in Kyoto, named Hyakuten Inamoto.  Hyakuten-san turned out to have had informal Reiki training from Hayashi student Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi.  Yukio had asked to be introduced to Yamaguchi-sensei to which Hyakuten-san agreed.  During his visit with her, Yukio discovered that Yamaguchi-sensei had lost all of her Reiki documents in a fire while her husband and her had been stationed in Manchuria, China. 

I offered to give Yukio a copy of the Hayashi Healing Guide in Japanese to take to her on his next visit and he was happy to do so.  He later told me she was very grateful for this document. 

The next year Yukio and Yuko hosted the URRI conference in Kyoto and invited my friends (Tom Rigler, Andy Bowling)  and I to make presentations there. As a surprise, Yamaguchi-sensei was scheduled to give a talk after my own presentation.  We were quite excited about seeing her and hearing what she had to share.

During the break before her talk, I was out in the hallway admiring some Japanese paintings.  Yamaguchi-sensei was also out there (as were many conference participants) but I did not feel it was proper for me to approach her.  Suddenly Yukio was by my side telling me that Yamaguchi-sensei wished to meet me.  I was very pleased to do so, and a bit nervous as well.  As we walked towards her, she was looking in the opposite direction.  But as we got within about 8 to 10 feet of her I suddenly felt us walking into a very strong, yet high vibration energy field.  I thought to myself "This is what it must be like to work with Reiki for over 60 years."  

I am not sure if this was her intention and since then I have been able to retain this energy and pass it on to others.  I don't think this was her reiki energy as it had quite a different feel to it.  I believe this was her own personal energy, what I tend to call a person's own "Highest Ki." (Years later, in 2009, I experienced a very good example of her original Hayashi Reiki

I had a brief pleasant talk with Yamaguchi-sensei through Yukio and told her how honoured I was to meet a person who had spent almost all her life with Reiki.  Later in the seminar, she and her son explained her experiences with Hayashi-sensei and had some photos to share.  These can be found in Arjava Petter's book "The Hayashi Reiki Manual."  


If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.     I will try to answer them all.

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